How Your Income Stacks Up

Double that amount wouldn't cover my bar tab.

And one could live quite comfortably on $32,000 a year in several parts of the country.

Yes, I'm sure that parts of Colby, Kansas and West-Bum-Fuck, Wyoming are quite affordable, but I think living there is part of being born there. Not everyone is so lucky, and if you think these people can just move to somewhere more affordable, ask yourself how they will afford the move. They can't, so they don't.

Also, I don't believe that people making $100K/year have private jets. That was more about the wall street flunkies that helped cause the recession. I bet those people don't pay taxes at all though, I mean, what's the government gonna do? Fine them?
I'm the only one in the office this year that will make more than last year. $1,500 more. :fly: