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Mar 5, 2005
I had a discussion several months ago with a friend of mine where they bemoaned the fact that people aren't prepared for how to actually 'do adult stuff' in High School. I think the conversation started because they didn't know how to find a dentist and buy health insurance. I helped out but not really the point. There is no place where one learns to do that sort of thing except from your parents, and if your parents don't bother to tell you it's a bit of a leap to figure everything out (especially if you work full time since no place is open when you aren't at work, goddamn DMV).

Then we have fly, and I guess myself to some extent, wanting everyone to be at least able to direct their own finances instead of having to pay government mandated taxes. Obviously just from posting here most people don't have any clue how finance works. The ignorance is painful >.>

Then I have a complaint about most younger women. They can't cook, they're slobs, and they can't be trusted to spend money wisely. Oh I'm a sexist boo hoo, it's a generalization and obviously doesn't apply to some specific cases but for the majority it holds.

Academic subjects are useless for a lot of people. They just aren't ever going to be able to utilize the knowledge effectively. Im not advocating for a curiculum that is completely utilitarian, but just because people sit through required classes on earth science doesn't mean they are going to apply that information, or seek out other information, they are just serving time for another credit. Everyone should be able to effectively apply time-value of money, annuity's, risk premium, CAGR, CAPM, EBITDA. How to cook, how to clean...

Well I have a complaint about most younger men. They can't cook, they're slobs, and they can't be trusted to spend money wisely. Oh I'm a sexist boo hoo, it's a generalization and obviously doesn't apply to some specific cases but for the majority it holds. Men are useless, lazy bastards who expect women to do everything for them. Hows that for a generalisation? Parents and schools should be teaching men that they do infact have a pair of balls, they should use them and stop using women as substitue mothers to run their lives for them, pick up after them and keep their lives together. But that'll never happen, because men are lazy useless bastards.
Seriously that's ALL YOU GOT OUT OF THAT?

Most parents are fuckups who also can't handle their own shit. Chew on that.

If you think 'most' parents are fuckups who can't handle shit then you have a very sad and strange worldview and are probably surrounded by shitty people. Most parents are fantastic and do a brilliant job, the reason kids don't learn to 'handle their shit' is because their parents are so great at making everything look easy. No kid with a good parent even bats an eyelid at laundry, sorting out bills, keeping the place tidy etc. etc. because their parents are great and responsible adults who do these things automatically so their children don't have to worry.

If you look at your cute little rant the core of it is basically blaming women, not just because of your little tantrum about women not doing 'women' things like cooking, but the fact that really you most likely believe that this situation would not be happening if women were at home and not out working. Chew on that.

High school does a terrible job imparting responsibility and life skills to students. Although to be honest, it barely does a passable job at imparting knowledge either.

High school does a terrible job imparting responsibility and life skills to students. Although to be honest, it barely does a passable job at imparting knowledge either.

It's about learning social systems and cliques that will follow you into the work world.

That's why work isn't much different socially than high school. lol
Colour me surprised ZRH just made a thread where he claims everyone is stupid except him. :rolleyes:

Yeah some parents suck, some school suck, not everyone enters adulthood with all the tools. Next thread.
When I was in middle school, they had an event that took you to a fake town. You were responsible for having a job, keeping a checking account, and lots of other things like that.
I took a ton of bussiness classes in high school that taught us what we needed to know, but none of these were required... Alot definitely should have been because they can all be applied to your own personal finances.

I once burnt no bake cookies in middle school home ec (required class) though it was renamed family and consumer sciences to be pc. the teacher was thoroughly confused and I wasn't allowed to cook anymore, I was the supervisor if our gruop instead.

Taught me two things, most supervisors are idiots who can't do your job, and to learn how to use a microwave.
But he's right. Generally these days, kids ARE stupid.

I know he's right. But it a big SO WHAT? Everyone knows this. Everyone should know it's not going to change. Some people put more value in learning other things.
It does bring up an interesting thought in my mind. How much do you really need to know to get through this life. I'm not a brilliant chef but I can follow a recipe. I can clean and do laundry. I haven't balanced a checkbook since I learned how but I know how much is in my checking account and what I spent money on recently. I know where to look if I want to know what's up with my investments but I have a Guy that I trust who handles that for me. I don't keep a monthly budget spreadsheet showing how we spent money. Some would say I'm bad at life._
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The thing is, your version of getting through life, and someone else's version of getting through life is always going to be different.
It does bring up an interesting thought in my mind. How much do you really need to know to get through this life. I'm not a brilliant chef but I can follow a recipe. I can clean and do laundry. I haven't balanced a checkbook since I learned how but I know how much is in my checking account and what I spent money on recently. I know where to look if I want to know what's up with my investments but I have a Guy that I

I know this post is probably unfinished so I should wait for your edit but I just wanted to say sometimes the best way to learn things is to be thrown in the deep end so to speak. There's only so much you can make kids responsible for but at the end of the day if they're in their own home and having to feed themselves, clothe themselves etc. then they soon get up to speed because it's a necessity.