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If you think 'most' parents are fuckups who can't handle shit then you have a very sad and strange worldview and are probably surrounded by shitty people. Most parents are fantastic and do a brilliant job, the reason kids don't learn to 'handle their shit' is because their parents are so great at making everything look easy. No kid with a good parent even bats an eyelid at laundry, sorting out bills, keeping the place tidy etc. etc. because their parents are great and responsible adults who do these things automatically so their children don't have to worry.
This I actually agree with, I guess it would be either extreme of the parenting spectrum. The ones who do too much and spoil their kids, and the ones who are pretty much absent.

If you look at your cute little rant the core of it is basically blaming women, not just because of your little tantrum about women not doing 'women' things like cooking, but the fact that really you most likely believe that this situation would not be happening if women were at home and not out working. Chew on that.
See, you take away from my post that I hate women, Fuckface takes away that... actually I can't make out what he's saying but it's something. I think it shows more about the people commenting than it does about me.
This I actually agree with, I guess it would be either extreme of the parenting spectrum. The ones who do too much and spoil their kids, and the ones who are pretty much absent.

See, you take away from my post that I hate women, Fuckface takes away that... actually I can't make out what he's saying but it's something. I think it shows more about the people commenting than it does about me.

It shows that you're not even aware of your own beliefs considering we can see the subtext in what you hate and where it stems from whereas you cannot. Stop hating women Zach.
It does bring up an interesting thought in my mind. How much do you really need to know to get through this life. I'm not a brilliant chef but I can follow a recipe. I can clean and do laundry. I haven't balanced a checkbook since I learned how but I know how much is in my checking account and what I spent money on recently. I know where to look if I want to know what's up with my investments but I have a Guy that I trust who handles that for me. I don't keep a monthly budget spreadsheet showing how we spent money. Some would say I'm bad at life._
Admittedly, we average Americans could make better choices with what to do with our meager salaries. We could choose not to get into so much debt. We could be more motivated and inventive. We could have more pride in ourselves and our country. We could be less materialistic but obviously that's not what our government or our big corporations want from us. There's a lot everyone could do to make things better, but nobody is willing to really.