Hey Wren, it doesn't look like you've posted recently! This community won't continue


Flaccid Member
Oct 16, 2006

I got that message on my top bar.

I guess I just haven't been struck with anything worth posting in a while? :confused: I've been kind of busy.

I went on a short vacation to San Fransisco. God, what a shithole of a place. I don't understand what the fuss is all about. There's a little bubble of cool around Stanford, and some touristy places that are fun for about an hour and a half.

On the way up, on the Amtrak bus ( :poor: ), we were on the Bay Bridge which is 5 lanes wide. There was a wall of cars in front of us. The car on the far left finally sped up and merged right. We were in the far right lane. The bus driver cut across all four lanes and picked up speed. A Honda Fit to our right boxed us in with a car in front of us. The bus driver flipped him off. The Fit merged right and then we started to race, sort of, weaving in and out of traffic. I wish I had a video camera; an Amtrak bus and a Fit racing across the Bay Bridge at 4 AM.

I went down to San Diego to see Kym. She lives right by the border so we went to my favorite taco joint in Mexico. And then had some fun later. You know the rod that holds up the curtain in a shower? Yeah ... we uuuh ... broke that. Having fun.

I've started summer school. The classes are ... what you'd expect summer school to be like. Easy grades, low on learning.

My job is pretty chill. I get a lot of homework done while on shift. When I do get customers they take like 30 seconds, and I don't get a lot of them. On my last 3 hour shift I got 5.

So yes, I'm still here.

This thread kind of sucks, but whatever.

if i remember correctly, you're the one that needs to have the shirt buttoned to hide your beer belly so all the chicks will break shower curtains with you.
Ive been to SanFran and thought it was pretty cool.
Saw Alcatraz, rode the trolley, chased some hippies down Lombard street in the rental car. All in all it was a good weekend.