Hay Guyz!

How is Jackie and the family? Any interesting stories to report from the past couple years?

Oh yea, just wait till I get some time to post all the super adorable make your head explode into candy pictures of Brady and his 9 month old little brother, Brighton!
Oh, I'm picking out a thermos for you
not an ordinary thermos for you
but the extra best thermos you can buy
with vinyl, and stripes, and a cup built right in!

I'm picking out a thermos for you
and maybe a barometer too
and what else can I buy so on me you'll rely?
a rear end thermometer too!
Oh, I'm picking out a thermos for you
not an ordinary thermos for you
but the extra best thermos you can buy
with vinyl, and stripes, and a cup built right in!

I'm picking out a thermos for you
and maybe a barometer too
and what else can I buy so on me you'll rely?
a rear end thermometer too!

Can I have the thermometer when you're done?