Happy St. Patty's Day!

BigDov said:
He was just kinda stupid..... he was out deer hunting one day, shot one and wounded it, and while he was giving chase, jumped over a log and didn't realize that there was a tangle of shit on the other side. Stuck himself on a pretty good-sized stick right on the side of his shin/calf area and kept on going. Didn't bother to go to a doctor for it or anything...... came over to our house a few days later and was moaning about how bad it hurt, stunk, etc, and then he showed us. It was naaaaasty.

But, like I said, he was kinda stupid.

gawd that's awful, I doubt I'll read anything worse today
BigDov said:
If you actually had some muscle under all of that fat, that might have worked.

Shall I pick you up with my forklift tonight at say, 7??
If you'll let me shit on your chest.
BigDov said:
Now why would you want to go and do that? Let's save the fun and games for after the drinking, when we can both enjoy it, okay??
I don't drink and you'll need a roofie to handle how much shit i'm going to lay upon you.
Something green, that's about it:


No, my hand is not that red, that's the lighting.
SpangeMonkee said:
I got my green, Irish 'Celtic Heritage Festival of Louisiana' shirt on. It has 'Ireland' on one sleeve and 'Eire' on the other.
Why are you posting and not working on the shirts?:tard:
Delphinium said:
Yep, that's my LOTR pin :cool:

I've been OK but busy elsewhere lately :heart: How are you doing these days?

I wanted one of those, but was afraid to come to grips with the sad fact that I'd never wear it :lol:

Pretty good..... in fact, borderlining on pretty great right now :)
BigDov said:
I wanted one of those, but was afraid to come to grips with the sad fact that I'd never wear it :lol:

I think the fact that you would EVER wear that is pretty sad. Somebody once thought it would be a good idea to get me an LOTR one ring replica. I disabused her of that notion immediately.
BigDov said:
I wanted one of those, but was afraid to come to grips with the sad fact that I'd never wear it :lol:

i've got a gorgeous green crushed velour cloak that the pin would look fabulous with. trouble is i never wear the cloak :p
jaxxor said:
I think the fact that you would EVER wear that is pretty sad. Somebody once thought it would be a good idea to get me an LOTR one ring replica. I disabused her of that notion immediately.