Happy Monday

The problem is most doctors are very cautious treating one symptom of bi-polar. They just try to cut down on the highs and lows and get you to stay in the middle. Most antidepressants will nudge the person in the other direction.

My upside is me edgy, moody, easy aggravated, don't need as much sleep, and my mind races.

I'd rather be that than on the floor slapped down depressed but the doctors always disagree and try to regulate and then give mild anti-depressants. It works for a week or two and then I quickly build up a resistance and get stuck in super depressed bordering on suicidal. I'd rather bounce back and forth then be stuck in that place.
I'm supposed to be working with a professor on some data analysis, and I just found out he decided to leave for Australia for 3 weeks this morning. So that leaves me having to find something to do to justify my paycheck. I hope everything's alright with him though; I know he has family down there. Something tells me he isn't just going down for a breath of fresh air.
I was in a pretty rotten mood until lunch. Then I went to Five Guys and used a cheeseburger to wash down about a pound of vinegar soaked french fries. This seemed to brighten my mood considerably. I was so cheerful that on my way home I even refrained from hurling a litany of curses at the sanctimonious asshat in front of me who insisted upon driving five miles under the speed limit on a two-lane country road. I merely focused a laser -like beam of pure hatred at the back of his head until he finally turned off the road. I'm pretty sure the hatred worked, though. He'll probably end up with brain cancer... or maybe baldness. Eczema, at the very least...
I was in a pretty rotten mood until lunch. Then I went to Five Guys and used a cheeseburger to wash down about a pound of vinegar soaked french fries. This seemed to brighten my mood considerably. I was so cheerful that on my way home I even refrained from hurling a litany of curses at the sanctimonious asshat in front of me who insisted upon driving five miles under the speed limit on a two-lane country road. I merely focused a laser -like beam of pure hatred at the back of his head until he finally turned off the road. I'm pretty sure the hatred worked, though. He'll probably end up with brain cancer... or maybe baldness. Eczema, at the very least...

I was in a pretty rotten mood until lunch. Then I went to Five Guys and used a cheeseburger to wash down about a pound of vinegar soaked french fries. This seemed to brighten my mood considerably. I was so cheerful that on my way home I even refrained from hurling a litany of curses at the sanctimonious asshat in front of me who insisted upon driving five miles under the speed limit on a two-lane country road. I merely focused a laser -like beam of pure hatred at the back of his head until he finally turned off the road. I'm pretty sure the hatred worked, though. He'll probably end up with brain cancer... or maybe baldness. Eczema, at the very least...

Im still considering installing a grill-mounted machine gun for just such occasions. I could leave a wake of wreckage on my way to work every morning.