GAY Happy birthday my nubian non-homo heart throb!

Ok I have no hobby, no girlfriend and no steady job( this key grip gig only lasts till august.)

I got so bored today I cleaned out half my stuff and tossed it in the trash.

Sometimes you have to minimize and clear out the clutter of your youth in order to move forward as an adult, too. It's not always an issue of mere boredom. It's hard to take yourself seriously in life when surrounded by that stuff. I went through that in my mid 20s. I had just lost a good job, I was living with my folks not really doing anything, and I just snapped. I threw about 80% of my belongings in the garbage and dumped the rest in storage. Then I started to turn my little "apartment" into something out of the Pottery Barn. It worked. I got my self respect back, landed a good job, and moved out.

I'd advise throwing away everything you don't actually need and focusing your energy on a finding a better job.
So what did Sean get for His birthday haul?

3 month subscription for Xbox live, 800 MS points, one Bottle of Mission st hefeweizen beer, one italitansubbed copy of Bai ling's Shanghai Baby , one copy of Chocolate , one Copy of Handling the Undead , one Copy of Anathem and a ticket to a burlesque show.