Food Happy 4th you filthy Amurican Hippies!

Beiber's a fad, he'll disappear from public consciousness in a couple of years.

And probably do the reverse michael jackson - become a recluse, dye his skin black, build a theme park for himself, etc.

Not much of a fan of red meat. I'd rather have chicken over beef any day. Burgers are about my least favorite of all beef out there too - but it seems fitting for the 4th of July :)

Ahh. I'm just tired of meat for every course. Was curious if you were a veggie or like me. :hs:
Ahh. I'm just tired of meat for every course. Was curious if you were a veggie or like me. :hs:

I can't give up my chicken it seems. I don't eat meat daily or anything, but every once in a while there are some foods that I just love that involve chicken. I have gone many years without red meat though and I'd do it more now if Luis didn't like it so.

So not terribly far off, but not quite like you. I know I could never become vegetarian personally and only because of the whole chicken thing. I admit I don't feel bad eating them emotionally either after watching them raised on a family farm - stupid animals ;)
fucking love that tree behind me in the last picture, it canopies all the way to the ground on three sides, and is literally older than the united states (barely from what i can tell)