
Erect Member
Oct 26, 2004
Ok, so I'm starting to get more gigs to DJ here in savannah, and probably need to come up with a new DJ name for flyers and stuff. When in ATL, I had used the name DJ_EJ, but as it turns out, there is already a DJ in the UK by that moniker. Probably not that big a deal since I don't really plan on going world wide, but a reason to consider other names. So I turn to you, UF, for ideas.

Post all the funny ones you want, but try to come up with some good ones as well. To get you started on the funny, when Spange and I were in the tattoo shop the other week, we were discussing it, as I was sipping on a fruit punch, I said, "How about DJ Fruit Punch!" We both giggled like school girls. So then that turned into:

DJ Donkey Punch
DJ Taint
DJ Teabag
DJ Fruit Donkey Punch
DJ Long Johnson

Any other suggestions? they don't necessarily have to have DJ infront of the name.
BeeRad said:
When I was attempting to promote for some of my friends I used Silky Smooth


Did it work?
BeeRad said:

ive never seen that utensil before, I guess its time for me to think of a new production company name :eek:

Just as long as you weren't telling people that you tried to make using you as painless as possible.