Got student loans?

BeeRad said:
I completely agree, I wasnt ready when I got out of school and went in anyways. Now I am not allowed back to the Tarpon Campus and my grades werent all that high. Wait until your ready
Yeah, but thats cause you stuck your dick in the mashed potatoes.
I had a 1.6 gpa for my first year & 1/2 of college because I didn't want to be there and had no idea what I wanted to do...I later got it up to a 3.2 but that took some work obviously

in the real world, no one cares what your gpa was so it's a moot point anyway
Galen said:
Just you keep telling yourself that and you'll get a job in the aviation industry no bother.
You mistakingly believe I'm interested in applying a math or aero. engineering degree in the private sector.
I know a guy with a PhD in Maths and 2 with PhD's in Astrophysics, and they're doing anything that comes their way (which is all research). Both, I seem to remember, wanted to work in the aviation industry, nevermind SPACE FLIGHT. Show's how far they've got.
Did they think they'd start their own NASA or something? Commercial space exploration is in its' infancy and research is exactly where most of the work is.

But it's okay, your BSc in Pure Maths will secure you that foothold you need. Congrats on being so upwardly mobile in the aviation sector. You know what they want!
You thrive on being an asshole, don't you?
college is unecessary for me at this point in time. I'm good at what i do right now but that career is changing and i'm going into something that only my experience will help. I do want to go to college at some point but everyone here can agree, if i'm not ready then whats the point.

To be an expert in my field i just need to stay on the path i'm on. College won't help that...

It's right for some people and not for others...
why_ask_why said:
in the real world, no one cares what your gpa was so it's a moot point anyway

You know what they call the guy that graduated from med school with the lowest GPA?

Doctor. The same as the guy who was first in his class.

Your GPA might matter for your first job after college, but becomes alarmingly irrelevant after that.
SpyderGST said:
You know what they call the guy that graduated from med school with the lowest GPA?

Doctor. The same as the guy who was first in his class.

Your GPA might matter for your first job after college, but becomes alarmingly irrelevant after that.
Which neurosurgeon do you want operating on your brain tumor, the one with a 4.0 GPA or the one with a 2.1? :p
FlyNavy said:
Which neurosurgeon do you want operating on your brain tumor, the one with a 4.0 GPA or the one with a 2.1? :p

have you ever requested a dr prove his gpa? I rest my case :p
FlyNavy said:
Which neurosurgeon do you want operating on your brain tumor, the one with a 4.0 GPA or the one with a 2.1? :p
You wont know! To be honest.

My general physician by his own admission dropped out of school for 4 years to smoke weed and go skiing. He's not half bad either.
ceiling fly said:
Were you planning on changing your SSN?

ooooooooo, good idea!
actually, they are spange's loans. i don't have any. someone else had planned on paying off his loans, and they changed the arrangement up. bottom line, we're paying them now. or we're about to. deferrment ends soon.
ceiling fly said:

GI bills pays for school + work pays for school = Cost of school goes up your nose...

I still had scholarship money and the last place I worked at would pay for classes. Same thing I suppose.