Garage Sale Nightmare

Seriously though - can you picture this debotchery?

When are you coming to visit?????

can i picture it? i would have been in the middle of it. i probably would have talked atom into calling one of his friends before daybreak.

i'm working on a visit. typing from a hotel room at 2 am isnt very conducive to making plans. but i'll let you guys know, i should be able to figure something out in a few days
I forgot to mention the Reggae music we blasted out of the house at 6AM to get the party started. I let Cola run around and hang out with the customers, and Willy was tied to a stake in the front yard.

There is not enough liquor and/or sleep in the world that could possibly make a garage sale bareable.
sleep, more like lack there of.

I honestly remember next to nothing and am trying to figure out what we did from the time I got there, 12am to the time of the yard sale 7am