Funzie Comics 9 : The Sound of Music

Mean Mr. Mustard

Always shouts out something obscene
Sep 30, 2004
OK mayoheads, heres your funzie fix. Come and get it while its hot!

Also, This will be the last "Funzie" comic. The Elfpenis and I are gonna move onto a different comic that , at the moment , were just calling "Useless Comics". It may feature funzie from time to time, but he wont be in every one. But they still will be as dum and strange as all the other ones weve done;). So stay tuned fgts.

That is all.

edit- sleeman and smileynev dont get it. that the only way Funzie can get off? Bad music, driving, and chasing underage girls?
i laughed. but i'm sad there'll be no more funzies.

i like how he's spanking to donkey porn
Drool-Boy said:
I cant believe no ones commented on the "idea" lightbulb being screwed into a little mayo jar.
Come on people, work with me here.

I see it, didn't know thats what it was till you clarified it.

I like how no one understands the final comic - it's perfect closure

BTW this particular comic is dedicated to smileynev
for those of you who don't get it - think about this:

spivey turned hit radio up really loud so that no one could hear him beat off.

that's when funzie gets his bright idea