Forum Fireside Chat

Syrup Beaver

pants log
Sep 30, 2004
beneath the soiled underbelly of the 'nev
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As you may or may not be aware, management (and I use that term loosely) is working on epanding and clarifying rules and the like for this lovely place.

Many of us came here because our old forum(s) were breeding grounds for negativity, lack of overall creativity, etc. that netted a certain heavy-handed moderation that was doled out selectively and randomly with much invented drama.

I don't think anyone wants that here :D

So let's take this moment to discuss what we, the forum members, consider a good thread or a bad thread (obviously it's sometimes an uncertain line that is open to interpretation) as well as rules we may want, or not want within some semblance of reason.

Let's try to stay on topic please :eek: ( And yeah, that means me too :fly: )
Threads must be started with content. No first post of just a pic or url. There must be at least a few sentences commenting on what you're posting and open ended enough that there can be a discussion on the topic.
Shamelessly ripped off somewhere else

we each need to look at our posts before we hit submit, and ask ourselves:

1) is this funny?
2) if it's not funny, is it helpful?
3) if it's not funny or helpful, is it hot?
4) if it's not funny, helpful, or hot, is it at least worth posting for some other reason?
5) if none of those, how can i make it so?

and then edit accordingly.
No posts of tl;dr type of spam. If you aren't going to post something on the topic of the thread then don't post at all in that thread.

Post count doesn't matter. Only the posts themselves.
b_sinning said:
No posts of tl;dr type of spam. If you aren't going to post something on the topic of the thread then don't post at all in that thread.

Post count doesn't matter. Only the posts themselves.
Okay, what should happen if something like that is done?
Threads may only be created on a collateral system. In other words, if anyone wants to make a thread, they have to paypal me $2 first.
basically i consider any thread with content a thread that meets the following criteria in my mind:

1. is it worth posting something in this thread?
2. glancing at most of the responses, are they mostly one-liners, spam, completely off-topic, or is the last post in the thread actually still talking about the subject?
3. is this person known for making quality threads or shit threads? (no this isn't discriminatory, we used to have this crazy thing called rep here which no one ever used properly).

before i even click on a thread, i think about what the subject is and, knowing the style of many of the people who make threads here, if it's going to have content or not. i know it seems like that's discriminating, but honestly during the day i don't have time to weed through crappy threads to find a good one to follow (that's why i left genmay, i didn't have the level of 14-year-old-crack-baby-on-glue ADD required to care enough to still post there). if i know that a person has made 5 crappy threads in the past, chances are for the next 5 or so threads that the person makes i'm going to ignore them. THIS is where i think moderation should step in and say hey, you need to make better threads or we're not gonna let you make as many crappy threads in one breath. how should moderators know this? remember we had a rating system, which almost worked. i think that if we used it frequently and the moderators enforced it, it could lead to better threads and better posts.
I pretty much narrow it down to this: does posting this make people want to discuss it in an intelligent manner? If it does, it's probably viable, whether some may care about the topic or not.
fly said:
Okay, what should happen if something like that is done?

We all know we get very off topic in our threads. But as long as the off topic is still valid content then I don't have a problem with it. Mods call on that one.

A post of tl;dr (total spam post) should be deleted if possible, poster warned in PM, after a real warning they still do that then kick them back to proving grounds for a day. Wait, are the proving grounds not used anymore?
b_sinning said:
We all know we get very off topic in our threads. But as long as the off topic is still valid content then I don't have a problem with it. Mods call on that one.

A post of tl;dr (total spam post) should be deleted if possible, poster warned in PM, after a real warning they still do that then kick them back to proving grounds for a day. Wait, are the proving grounds not used anymore?
it was abolished a while ago, and now we (are supposed to) have new member threads in here that replace the PG.
Sounds like this place is going to be alot of fun soon. :rolleyes:

I don't think there's a whole lot wrong with the way it is. I come here to partake in the insanity because I find it fun. If I wanted to discuss what's wrong with the world all the time, I'd join a news group.

edit: I guess I'm the kind of poster you want "weeded out"
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We need some type of actual punishment. No thread making abilites for a few days? Title making fun of them? I'm not sure what our punishment options are.

Everything is typically fine now but some rules/guidelines in place may be needed if we continue to grow. Or you'll end up with another spammay.
i think if a thread isn't thread material, it should be explained why NICELY (not criticized.) nonna this putting down stuff. i know when i was new, i didn't really understand why a thread was being criticized, or when kiwi and i got off on a tangent, we were "yelled" at. now i understand and think i know how the game goes, but maybe the new people just don't really understand what this forum is for, and why people are giving them crap about their threads.

i also think everyone needs to be respectful. i don't think there's a single one of us that hasn't crossed a line or two here and's going to happen. teasing someone you know won't get offended is one thing, (you're fat, april...) but if you are stepping on someone's toes, and someone lets you know of this, stop. plain and simple. it doesn't matter if you think they shouldn't have taken it the way they did and continue on...if you are hurtful, be the better woman and stop it. disrespect is part of how quality decreases. be considerate of others' spaces.

i also think that if you hold power, you should be worthy of it. i don't think it should be abused, and i don't think it should be taken advantage of. be responsible.

but that's just my HO, yo.
I think the most important point about threads should be whether they can be something we can have fun with or generate intelligent conversation about.
I agree with Bubbles in large part on this one too. Message boards should still be fun, or else what's the point? We don't need to try and increase each other's IQs to 170 with every thread and every post. I honestly don't care if people act silly sometimes. I come here to take a break, not stress out over rules and regulations and content.
A couple of things:

We no longer have the PG, so people who are bad will temporarily have to be either banned or [h]-moded (someone needs to come up with a sexy UF title for that.)

The rating thing will be addressed soon. Looks like we're gonna have to pay someone to do it, as my skills apparently aren't up to it.

I'm pretty sure the new thread thing for new users will be fixed after we get upgraded to vB3.5 Gold. Since I have houseguests this weekend, hopefully I can get the forum upgraded tomorrow.