Flytrap #2 - Possible NSFW Content and WAW fail , Whiskey Bacon and tamale hootch

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Jesus. That guy is some level of pusswoi.

unless the jackass driving the boat thinks it'll be funny to send you and the tube swideswiping through a batch of cat tails and wild rice along the side of the lake (thanks Paul, you fuck), taking a wipeout in normal water ain't no thing.
that doesnt even look that fast. we've been up to at least 50 holding on for dear life with 3 on a tube when we've all went skipping across the water...

people turn into dicks when they're pulling a tube.
We had fish taco's tonight that were delicious... recipe:

Yeah. No one beats Pancreatic cancer in the end. They just buy a few more years...

Steve Jobs, love him or hate him, took an idea from a garage to a 350 billion dollar market cap that is second in US companies only to Exxon. Twice. And, when he was slumming off the Apple roles, he made some shit company called Pixar.

That's not something just anyone can do. Gotta give the man respect for that. Apple won't be the same without him.
Steve Jobs, love him or hate him, took an idea from a garage to a 350 billion dollar market cap that is second in US companies only to Exxon. Twice. And, when he was slumming off the Apple roles, he made some shit company called Pixar.

That's not something just anyone can do. Gotta give the man respect for that. Apple won't be the same without him.
He's the quintessential businessman. He can turn a profit. It wouldn't be a huge deal except that he does a good job selling the idea that he is somehow personally responsible for the creation of various things. CEOs are just bland late middle aged accountant/marketing types. In the short term, having someone so public tied to the value perception of the company is going to hurt.

I don't think everyone understands what market capitalization means, it's just the price per share multiplied by number of shares. It's supposed to be a general guide to the open market valuation of a company, realistically you can have great market cap while being bankrupt (as an example: Enron). It's just as speculative as the general stock market is. In terms of sheer revenue/assets Apple is a drop in the ocean compared of WalMart/ExxonMobil/Shell.
He's the quintessential businessman. He can turn a profit. It wouldn't be a huge deal except that he does a good job selling the idea that he is somehow personally responsible for the creation of various things. CEOs are just bland late middle aged accountant/marketing types. In the short term, having someone so public tied to the value perception of the company is going to hurt.

I don't think everyone understands what market capitalization means, it's just the price per share multiplied by number of shares. It's supposed to be a general guide to the open market valuation of a company, realistically you can have great market cap while being bankrupt (as an example: Enron). It's just as speculative as the general stock market is. In terms of sheer revenue/assets Apple is a drop in the ocean compared of WalMart/ExxonMobil/Shell.

6 times less revenue while focusing in one sector and basically 4 products is no slouch. Espescially when you're comparing it to a reseller and someone who can name their own price and people will still buy it and have no choice but to buy it.
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