Flytrap #2 - Possible NSFW Content and WAW fail , Whiskey Bacon and tamale hootch

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well yeah the point is that individuals don't pay the tax in the first place

but I see what you're saying, I just think it if it's going to exist then it should be limited to helping the least fortunate transition from one job to another in order to avoid them ending up on some other form of public assistance in the long term. the risk of someone making six figures or having seven in assets needing "welfare" is pretty slim so if we're going to deal with low and middle class folks needing to find jobs then save that money for those that need it.

it doesn't help people find jobs though, whole system is set up to enable people to stay unemployed for longer. hence why people are currently taking year long vacations cause they can survive fine on whatever benefits they're being paid at the moment... and most of those people have few assets / payments so they can easily ride it out with what they're paid in benes. the time limits exist as motivation to get a job or you will be cut off (in normal times anyways).

welfare on the other hand is a needed safety net but we have a terrible system in place which basically forces people on it to stay on it. make mimimum wage working a suck job just so all the money you make goes to daycare, or sit at home with your kids and live off uncle sam? hrm.
the difference is that car insurance is not publicly funded. he also has the option of having it entirely replaced or having a policy that only covers basic liability so if he wrecks his car - in this case, his own fault so it's different than being laid off - then he is responsible for covering the car himself. he's doing so with the money he paid on his policy

unemployment is funded by employers and if they don't ever let go of anyone they only have to pay into it for so long. the original 26 week system supports itself based on your own wages, so why shouldn't everyone be eligible? if i'm not eligible, then my employer should be able to pay me more cause he shouldn't have to pay for my government run unemployment insurance.
House hunting sucks. Either the places are dumps (like no amount of money could fix them up) or they're quarter million dollar+ mansions that I can't possibly afford. :|
Searching online, driving around, and talking with clients (one of which is a realtor). Housing market is so crappy right now. It appears most people up here are staying in their homes and apparently can keep up with their mortgages. I've only found a handful that are short sales or foreclosures. Getting frustrated :(
The only door-to-door salesman I've ever had were Jehovah's Witnesses. One time it was after I had foot surgery and was home alone. Door bell rings, I hobble to the door with crutches. Open the door. They go through their speil. I'm like I don't have time for this shit and shut the door on them.
Lets run away together. We can spend the days getting drunk, having great sex, and reading books and graphic novels and discussing them. I even have a small dog.

Have you really had any better offers than that recently? ;)

I feel that you are going to back out of this in a moment...

I find World War Z to be incredibly dull. I've all but given up on it.
I've been on an x-files marathon, again. netflix kicks ass. I've watched about 100 episodes and skipped a few monster of the week ones I've seen a zillion times. on ep 120 right now. bluray with wifi one of my best purchases ever.
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sometimes. I suspect my friends of committing acts of wanton faggotry. like listening to lady gaga while dancing in a car.there are levels of gay. and at the wanton level...well not even other gays want to be near you.
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