fix america

Did Fly just get pwnt or what? No reply to this?

I didn't see it :o

And the intelligence involved in the Plame affair was but one of many pieces of intelligence used to make the decision. Every member of Congress - every single one - had full access to every piece of information available to the administration. Many of them read the CIA reports as well as compiled reports from other intelligence agencies.

There was no bogus information. The information was misrepresented but it wasn't made up and it wasn't kept hidden. Not a single member of Congress can claim they were "duped" by Bush; they knew exactly what they were doing.
I didn't see it :o

And the intelligence involved in the Plame affair was but one of many pieces of intelligence used to make the decision. Every member of Congress - every single one - had full access to every piece of information available to the administration. Many of them read the CIA reports as well as compiled reports from other intelligence agencies.

There was no bogus information. The information was misrepresented but it wasn't made up and it wasn't kept hidden. Not a single member of Congress can claim they were "duped" by Bush; they knew exactly what they were doing.

so it was purely coincidental that the white house singled out and trashed plame for whistle blowing when the right info in this incident was out there but dismissed for "facts" that better suited their agenda? :p
the best thing about all of this recent Blackwater hysteria is that the public is falling for it hook, line and sinker beautifully. The Army has found a scapegoat, and the shitty blogs of ethnic clothing wearing gobshites is eating it up like they were responsible for the JFK Assassination. I love this constant flow of NEW HOT INFORMATION that will BLOW MY MIND.

It's not 'US' doing all of this, look, it's this private company which is the perfect scapegoat. Have at it, armchair columbo's.

i wonder i wonder.
the best thing about all of this recent Blackwater hysteria is that the public is falling for it hook, line and sinker beautifully. The Army has found a scapegoat, and the shitty blogs of ethnic clothing wearing gobshites is eating it up like they were responsible for the JFK Assassination. I love this constant flow of NEW HOT INFORMATION that will BLOW MY MIND.

It's not 'US' doing all of this, look, it's this private company which is the perfect scapegoat. Have at it, armchair columbo's.

i wonder i wonder.

there is some underhanded-ness to all this...iirc, there are more private contractors over there than troops...we basically have a huge gang of govt hired mercenaries operating often times outside the law
5 day death penatly in all states. you have 5 days from the time of conviction to prove your case or dead. frak waiting around years. and also place a pain waiver on all frivioulos lawsuits.
Agreed. As has every other President since Lincoln. Including Lincoln. :lol:

To be fair, Lincoln only wiped his ass with the constitution in Maryland.

Leaving immediately, however, is a bad idea.

This is the saddest fact of all. It never should have happened. What we really need now is some Marshall plan analogue for Iraq. 'Course that won't make any of the government's 'business partners' any richer.

/edit: And WMDs were certainly not the only justification for the war given by the president, just the one the news liked to play the most

Nonsense. it was just the first of a list of bullshit justifications. If only they'd come out and said, "This war will make everybody I know even more money."
there is some underhanded-ness to all this...iirc, there are more private contractors over there than troops...we basically have a huge gang of govt hired mercenaries operating often times outside the law

I think after the prisons and sadism debacle over in Iraq, the US Army was looking for a great scapegoat to shill the blame onto if anything questionable came about again.