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My husband and ex both got geds and did other things. I’m totally ok with her doing something else but she says she wants one thing so I want her to know what she needs to get there and then she puts minimal effort in to make it happen. I’m letting the natural consequences happen though. If she fails and drops out that’s fine. She can get her ged and figure something out from there.

she’s in Spanish 2 but didn’t learn anything from Spanish 1 so she’s completely lost already and it’s only day 3. I offer some alternatives to help her catch up and she got mad at me. So okay, see what you can do on your own. I think I’m just most frustrated cause what she says she wants and the work she’s willing to put in don’t match. She thinks she can just draw whatever she wants and get a job but life doesn’t work that way. She needs to refine her skills by being taught by a professional. She had degrees that would be perfect for what she wants to do at the college near where we are moving but she has to get in and pass all her classes not just art. Heck even in art last year she only got a c cause she refused to do any assignment that wasnt drawing (they had some writing assignments and things).
Like I said, I try to simply provide info and let her make her own choices, technically she’s16 and doesn’t have to go to school anymore, But it doesn’t mean I understand her mentality or am not flabbergasted and frustrated by her approach. Having a school with no expectations doesn’t really provide her any motivation though. She’sa good kid in class, never in trouble, teachers like her, she just puts in minimum effort. If she makes it to college, it’s gonna be a rude awakening.

does school make her anxious ?
She just doesn’t care. She doesn’t see the point of science or Spanish or any of the core classes cause she wants to draw. So why put effort in. She doesn’t like them.

she’s clearly an artist .. and if that’s what she wants to do more power to her, but for success even in the art world. she should know the fundamentals of how to at least run her small business .. i mean will she be selling her art?
im kinda excited for her future tho, kids who are passionate about their craft like her, kick ass!
Everyone always made fun of me for being homeschooled.

Look up unschooling. It's radical 70s back to the woods crap but it has some important tents.

Basically kids want to learn. The industrial system of a then b then c doesn't always work. If they get bored enough they'll start doing shit on their own. Idk worked for me sorta.
Everyone always made fun of me for being homeschooled.

Look up unschooling. It's radical 70s back to the woods crap but it has some important tents.

Basically kids want to learn. The industrial system of a then b then c doesn't always work. If they get bored enough they'll start doing shit on their own. Idk worked for me sorta.
yeah... sorta.