Eye Opening Article...




Mind you, some of these population projections can be taken with a grain of salt since its virtually impossible to predict with any certainty how economic and cultural conditions may change in the next 50 years. But its a little scary to think of how Europe may change over that period of time if at least some of this is correct.

I have said in the past and I still think its the case. If another world war were to erupt in the next century, it wouldn't be a geographic war so much as an ideological war between extremist Muslims and the western world. Europe and the west in general is slowly stagnating due to a higher standard of living and the resulting need to work more then we ever have in the past. I think the biggest reason the population here in the US is still on the rise is because of immigration.

I have nothing against Islam, its a fine religion and the people who follow it truely are good people. Just like Christianity and Judaism, though, it can be twisted to suit the desires of madmen and power hungry tyrants. Hopefully common sense and peace will prevail in the future

elpmis said:
smat people forum, n00b

Sometimes, when I poop, and the poop smells like poop, and I laugh, I think of Drool Boy and how he poops and his poop smells like flowers, then I think of you.
This is like the 3rd article I've read this week about birth rates. Who cares? We've got too many people anyway. And it should be OBVIOUS that we are poisioning ourselves.
smileynev said:
Sometimes, when I poop, and the poop smells like poop, and I laugh, I think of Drool Boy and how he poops and his poop smells like flowers, then I think of you.
I chopped the fetus horse into goatse's asshole but I'm too afraid to post it
fly said:
This is like the 3rd article I've read this week about birth rates. Who cares? We've got too many people anyway. And it should be OBVIOUS that we are poisioning ourselves.

Too many poor third world childrens, not enough bratty first world snotsuckers.
elpmis said:
I chopped the fetus horse into goatse's asshole but I'm too afraid to post it

Do it before Ayatolla Bush says you cannot.