Thread Dirty Limericks

There once was a man named Tre
Who was all aboot bein' Canadian, eh?
when he put on his took
reading a limerick by Duke
he said 'this is so fucking gay'
Here lay a man named Darth
who just wanted to 'Party on, Garth'
while reading a thesaurus
he got run over by a Taurus
and that is the story of Darth.
That last line can be tricky. Anyone want to modify these?

There once was a hairless ape
Who was not against some light rape
When accosted by a mugger
She tried to get 'em to love 'er
He replied "I'd rather people thought I vape"

There once was a manboy named Wes
His sister's legs he preferred to caress.
After a time of grunting and straining
And sweat dripping as if it were raining
He rubbed his butt and said "sis, next time you wear the dress."

There once was a busty midget named Kianal
While pretty she was very vainal
For sex, she was keen
If his pockets were green
She'd happily say "I like it in the butt"