Did Israel kill Sharon to abort the peace process?


Oct 1, 2004
Put on your tinfoil hat for this one...

It seems at least possible to me that the Mossad tried to kill Sharon in an effort to derail the peace process. Most of the hardliners there see no reason to give up anything to the Palestinians, as they are simple the uncrushable giant. The man had to break off from his own party in an attempt to make a possible peace agreement.

F33nX said:
he's old, didn't take care of himself, and he's paying the price now.
Yeah buddy, she should have taken his anti paradoxical embolism pills so he didn't have that first stroke
itburnswhenipee said:
Yeah, but this way it looks like it was natural.

So? Dead is dead. How he got there can be sorted out/covered up/or whatever after the fact. Im sure youve noticed that most of the people over there arent exactly subtle in the way they go about things.
Drool-Boy said:
So? Dead is dead. How he got there can be sorted out/covered up/or whatever after the fact. Im sure youve noticed that most of the people over there arent exactly subtle in the way they go about things.
Look at Syria... I'm sure the Mossad paid close attention to how that went down.
77 year old men get sick and die. That's life. Conspiracy theories are a fruitless waste of brain cells.
I still dont see why they let him go home for a week when he had a hole in his heart that caused his first stroke. Even then, why did they wait a week in the first place to set the surgery?
Ryokurin said:
I still dont see why they let him go home for a week when he had a hole in his heart that caused his first stroke. Even then, why did they wait a week in the first place to set the surgery?
I agree with you, I mean, Doctors don't have other people to operate on, right? Other people that might have been waiting months for a surgical opportunity?
As we all know, most places make exceptions when they are dealing with people who are basically equal to being president. Thats like saying that if the same thing happened to Bush, Walter-Reed would say oh, we have to do the same for 4 other guys, he has to wait a week. At the very least they would fly him somewhere else to get it done.