Damn violent chimps

Anyone wanna chip in with me and get lemon_fresh a monkey for his birthday?

edit: Heres the article, for the lazy
Ohio State Student Injured in Chimp Attack

Monday January 16, 2006 8:02 AM

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - A chimpanzee attacked a student at an Ohio State University animal research facility, and the woman sustained minor injuries, officials said.

Sarah, an 80-pound chimp, pulled the woman close to her cage Sunday and bit her, school spokesman Earl Holland said. Officials didn't know what prompted the attack.

The victim, whose name and age weren't released, was treated at Riverside Methodist Hospital.

Sarah, born in the wild, is 47 years old and came to Ohio State in 1987 from the University of Pennsylvania, according to the center's Web site. She has learned an artificial language system and understands the numbers zero through six.

Holland said it was the only attack he knew of at the Chimpanzee Center, which was founded in 1983 and has five adult and four adolescent chimpanzees. Researchers study them to learn about child development, comparative psychology, animal behavior and neuroscience.
BAAAHAHAHAAHAHAH!! Trunk monkeys rule!!

Someone should make a commercial regarding trowser snakes! LOL