Crazy Japanese Rube Goldberg Devices!

Onnotangu said:
what is a rube goldberg device?
something that a hillbilly would use to spear you in the chest with during a wrassling match?

No, it's an intricate system of levers and pullies to

a) steal, invest, and otherwise bilk and hoard large amounts of money,
b) invade and colonize the lands of Palestine,
c) foster myriad paranoid delusions regarding clandestine political and economic global takeover by Jews.
Browsing around youtube during lunch earlier and came across that gem. Those are prettah kewl. I like the one where the marbles are in the cups, which then get picked up by the spinning wheel cups, and then all dropped off into the lower track.
Reminds me of that car commercial that was one huge device made from one car. The one it took them months and a months of setting it up to get one complete shot of the device going through out the whole commercial.