[Contest] Crafting with Cletus


Oct 15, 2004
In this installment of crafting with Cletus we'll be making a big sack, because let's face it, everyone loves sacks!*

You'll need:
* a zipper
* fabric
* a sewing machine
* skills

I've already done all the hard work and cut my fabric ahead of time. They are 14" x 11" rectangles. If you can't cut these on your own, stop reading now because you definitely won't be able to keep up later on.

Here are our supplies; I have chosen black marine vinyl for the interior and a nice paisley cloth for the exterior. I applied a backing to the paisley cloth to give it some additional stiffness but this isn't required.

Note that I've also marked 1/2" seams on 3 sides of all the material.

Ok, so first up is the zipper. The zipper goes on one of the long sides you didn't draw the 1/2" seam allowance on. Because I'm awesome I'm going to cheat and use my 1/4" edging foot to sew on the zipper without drawing any sewing lines. Fold the end over and position it so that the end of the zipper teeth are about 3/4" from the edge of the fabric. Hold everything nice (or pin if you're a pussy) and sew it on.

Once you're about an inch or so from the end STOP and fold the zipper out of the way. If you don't do this your zipper will be all sorts of fucked up and you'll have to take some stitches out and do it again. Backstitch 2-3 stitches for strength.

Pull the zipper to the side...

Then finish sewing all the way to the end.

Now you have this:

Time to make the other side... Same as the first but the fabrics are opposite this time, notice the paisley on top.

Remember to stop about an inch from the end... I had to remove a few stitches because I fucked up and got carried away.

And same as before, pull the zipper to the side and sew all the way to the end.

If you've been following along like a good monkey you've got 2 sides that look like this:

If you don't have this, you've done something wrong. I can't imagine what because my instructions are awesome. I suggest throwing in the towel now because it only gets harder from here on out.

Now it's time to sew stuff together and make the bag.

Zip the pieces together about halfway and line everything up with the same materials together.

Sew around the edge, leaving a 3-4 inch hole to flip the bag right side out later. I'm not a pussy so I didn't pin anything, you might want to though.

Turning the corners...this can all be done in one shot. No need to stop and readjust anything...

Aaand now it's all sewn up.

Because bags should stand up on their own I boxed the corners. Measure down the seam so you have 4.5" (2.25" either side of the seam) and mark. Sew the line you just marked and hope you got the seam even.

Do all 4 corners. I like to make the inside just a smidge shorter so everything fits nice.

Cut them off leaving about 1/4" selvage.

Now we must flip the bag right side out. Hopefully you left the zipper partially open, if not you're pretty much fucked right now. It has to be open or you're not flipping the bag around. Good luck.

Starting to poke through...

About halfway...

Once you've got it right side out you'll need to sew the zipper down to secure it and give the opening extra strength.

I sewed all the way in one shot because I'm awesome, I recommend putting the start/stop point at the rear where the end of the zipper resides when the bag is open.

And now we're all done. Here are a few shots of the completed bag.

And here it is with a friend. Don't they look nice together?

And there you have it. This concludes today's episode of Crafting with Cletus. If you weren't able to follow along, please write to [email protected] and I'll happily ridicule you before deleting your message.

* especially @Domon. That robot loves sacks so much he ordered 200 kangaroo testicle sacks off eBay.
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Very cool! I lack most of those things on the list to even begin to try something like that. Yours look great though!

Nice thread
also, excellent work. That is very nice.

Very cool! I lack most of those things on the list to even begin to try something like that. Yours look great though!
It was surprisingly easy. I was skeptical when I made the first one but it gets easier as you make more of them. Just take your time and go slow.

If you used lightweight fabrics and a smaller zipper this coild easily be done on a regular home sewing machine.

It was surprisingly easy. I was skeptical when I made the first one but it gets easier as you make more of them. Just take your time and go slow.

If you used lightweight fabrics and a smaller zipper this coild easily be done on a regular home sewing machine.

I need a good working sewing machine. I was going to refurbish an older one but just don't have time anymore for it. I should just sell it and be done with it.