Confessions from UF Members

I often use this board as an excuse to not work, even though there is plenty of stuff I know I need to be doing. I know that puts me in line with the majority of you, but still.
I've been promoted at least twice since I started posting on here. Everyone sees me staring at the screen and typing often and just assume I'm working hard. HA!
When I was a Democrat I voted for Clinton. I voted for everyone who had a "D" beside their name, strictly because they had a "D" beside their name because I had no clue about the canidates or the issues. Ohhhh the folly of my youth. :dont:

I'm voting straight Dem I think, just to piss off the Republicans. BTW, here is a site that April found with some good candidate info:

The site layout sucks ass, but it works...
So rather than put a bunch of crooked busness men into office you're going to vote in a buncha mini Kim Jong il's..... :nevx3:

No, Im going to do my part to lock up the government until the Republicans get brake checked. One or both Houses should lock that shit up tight with bickering.

Becuase I have no idea what any of the candidates stand for, all I know is that they approve of adds bashing their opponents.

I looked at the list of crap I'd be voting on yesturday and had no idea what half of it was. The only thing I'd vote on is a stem cell research thing they have going on in my state. (I'd vote yes on it for the record.)
Becuase I have no idea what any of the candidates stand for, all I know is that they approve of adds bashing their opponents.

I looked at the list of crap I'd be voting on yesturday and had no idea what half of it was. The only thing I'd vote on is a stem cell research thing they have going on in my state. (I'd vote yes on it for the record.)

The thing alot of non-voters don't understand is that you are not only voting for specific individuals. 99% of the time there are various props on the bill which directly affect your local community.
The thing alot of non-voters don't understand is that you are not only voting for specific individuals. 99% of the time there are various props on the bill which directly affect your local community.

I read through all those props that directly affect my local community yesterday, half of them I had no idea about, the other half I simply didn't care about one way or another. How do I make a choice when it really has no foreseeable effect on me? And what if it does end up negatively effecting me and I voted the wrong way becuase I didn't know better? I'm sure they affect someone becuase it's being put to vote, let the people it effects vote on it.
The complete apathy for voting/political voice in American youth makes me sick.

I think it's more of the fact that the youth just arn't interested in politics. So much garbage to wade through, and you can't trust anyone to give you good cliff notes. It's a full time hobby trying to keep up on everything
There is nothing keeping politics out of the grassroots except the voters. When the majority of the population does not vote or take a direct interest into elections the politicians can sense this. They reinvent their elections to more of a centralized confusing platform. Why bust their ass to force a BS voter level of understanding platform when the general public isn't voting or doesn't care. Once people began to let their voice be heard then the candidates will be forced to alter their plan of attack and focus on direct issues vs. a global characterization of their personal beliefs. Remember ignorance or lack of education on an issue does not make it less of an issue or go away.