Church and raising a kid

it's why I just believe in god and dont go to church. That .. makes me happiest lol

I need to learn to not shake my head at the people who "need" church in their lives, but it's hard. I just don't share that dependency, and I don't get it.
I have pretty strong feelings on this as well.

My kid goes to a Christian school. His mom teaches there. She doesn't preach but she's certain she wants Christianity in his life. He's only 4 though, so all he knows right now is that some guy named Noah had a big boat. And he can sing a bunch of songs about God and Jesus despite having no clue what any of it means. And he talks about how God made trees and squirrels and how he lives up in the sky. Which in my opinion is mostly harmless right now though it's exactly the same thing as brainwashing.

I was raised religious and at one time felt pretty strongly about it. Now I couldn't care less. Religion instills hope in people, and that's about as much relevance as I give it. It doesn't affect anything, and in my opinion people shouldn't be exposed to it until they're of a sufficient age to either say "Yeah, that makes sense" or "wtf that's retarded". Children shouldn't be a part of it. It just makes me....uneasy. It isn't objective, it isn't broad. It's a biased and specific philosophy that someone is trying to ingrain in someone else.

I have pretty much concluded that his mom will spend her time with him telling him about Jesus and lambs and angels flying around with wings, and I will spend my time showing him the world, its people and different cultures and beliefs in order to give him perspective on the short life that has been handed to him. I want him to be socially aware, and that includes possessing the wisdom to draw his own conclusions and the understanding that no human has any real answers. No one will ever be able to tell him that he is right or wrong, regardless what he believes.

Your kid has it good then. Growing up all I was told was how to live my life according to God's principles. I was scared to cross my parents, then at twelve years old my buddy and I started to skip sunday school and smoke cigs behind the church van... well that part isn't true, but it is hard to think outside the box at that age when your only real friends are your parents and they only show you one belief.

Thank god for my friend in church, she made coming out a little easier. :fly:
I need to learn to not shake my head at the people who "need" church in their lives, but it's hard. I just don't share that dependency, and I don't get it.

It fills that hole and the unanswered questions in their lives. I don't understand why no one is content knowing that they will never know during this lifetime.

or are you just talking about believing and going to church... not religion as a whole.

You obviously have no idea what church is about then :lol: they could care less if you "enjoy" it .. you are "supposed" to be in church to worship/serve God .. not be having a "good time". Or at least thats the Baptist spin on it lol.

Well crap. Don't ever go to my church on Easter then.
My kid goes to a Christian school. His mom teaches there. She doesn't preach but she's certain she wants Christianity in his life. He's only 4 though, so all he knows right now is that some guy named Noah had a big boat. And he can sing a bunch of songs about God and Jesus despite having no clue what any of it means. And he talks about how God made trees and squirrels and how he lives up in the sky. Which in my opinion is mostly harmless right now though it's exactly the same thing as brainwashing.

It's the idiots who try to prevent science from being learned that do brainwashing, not specifically religion. And by idiots, I mean the parents.
Wife and I both baptized and raised Roman Catholic. Our son has not been baptized. Nor will he be unless he takes it upon himself to do so or asks us to get him baptized.

Hopefully, his mother and I both will teach him through our actions, how to be a decent human being. That's it. No church for us or our offspring.,,"decide"

I see some spaces in there. Lies.
I'm impressed at the amount of people saying they will let their children decide. What a completely different generation this is.