Hawt Chim and I are now state certified prevayers of alcoholic beverages for Texas!

I hate states with complicated drinking laws. I really really hate the Georgia law about no liquor sales on Sunday. It's not much of a day of rest if I ran out of beer Saturday night.
That is dumb, CT has that also.

MA got rid of that a few years back thankfully.

MO has the best liquor laws of any place I've been to. They sell the stuff everywhere around the clock.

budweiser being based in st. louis probably had something to do with that
That is dumb, CT has that also.

MA got rid of that a few years back thankfully.

MO has the best liquor laws of any place I've been to. They sell the stuff everywhere around the clock.

Louisiana used to be like that, dunno if it still is
You cant buy liquor here on sundays, but you can still buy beer after 12
Louisiana used to be like that, dunno if it still is
You cant buy liquor here on sundays, but you can still buy beer after 12

Colorado is that way, except a tad worse. You can only by 3.2 beer and wine coolers on Sundays. Liquor stores are shut down.
Same in Ohio......except one store where I live. (Although I don't know if recent legislation has changed that though)

There are quite a few stores like that now. I think there is a new and different license you can get that lets you apply Sunday sales. It's quite expensive, howevr.
NV is the best, however. You can by Everclear at Walmart 24/7 and there is no open-container laws.

Well how exactly to churches even buy the wine for communion when the stores aren't selling it on Sunday?
Db, even though I just can't go gay you guys do make it sound appealing sometimes. It sounds nice having the level of friendship that you two enjoy.

Where are all the sexy early 30s tomboys?
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