Chevron Revenue Posting

just cost me $50 to fill my car this morning
fuck george bush right in his retarded ass for selling this country down the river
why_ask_why said:
just cost me $50 to fill my car this morning
fuck george bush right in his retarded ass for selling this country down the river

ya my truck has a 25-gallon tank on it.
I only put about 30$ at a time in it, and that gets me less than half a tank:(
Fgt oil fgts
ChikkenNoodul said:

You do realize that our prices are still artificially low?

And it was costing me over $50 to fill the Saab over a year ago, how big is the tank on the 'vette? :confused:

not artificially low enough for my liking
and if it's low, why are the oil companies reporting record profits??

my tank is like 15g
12.8 gallon tank.. costs me about 35-40 to fill up depending on how low i let it get.. usually 30 because i dont wait that long..

premium FTL
tre said:
they should celebrate by spilling a tanker in alaska

They could even fake an oil spill and raise prices by at least 75 cents. Their revenue would sky rocket by god!

Gas was under a dollar/gallon for the first 18 years of my life then, over the course of 8 years, it has nearly tripled. I have trouble believing the difference is anything but greed.
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To be frank this doesn't bother me as much as it does most. It still does, but if they took more of those profits and put it back into new technology and ways of producing alternative fuels I'd have no complaints. For example if they took more of those profits and invested it in figuring out a way to create hydrogen for cheaper for fuel cell autos I'd be very happy with their massive profits. However, they don't care about that and as such I'm curious as to what the gov't investigation is going to show.

What would be great for this country would be for the president to call the nation to become energy independent in a decade. It would create a way for young people to fight the war on terror without arms, it would stimulate the shrinking number of American students in the sciences and engenering into the field, and it would give security and a boost to the American economy. That's what we need more than anything. This is why I said in fifty years from now history wont remember what Bush did on terror, but instead what he didn't do about energy.

That's my two cents. Any one agree?