Bubs Wolrd Episode 72

Mean Mr. Mustard

Always shouts out something obscene
Sep 30, 2004

Our heroes are moving towards their objective, but are being closely followed by Joss. Will they make it? Will Joss get in their way?
Guess youll have to wait until next year to find out. Im taking some time off for the holidays.

Best wishes to you & yours.

Regular comic updating will resume on January 8th.

Thx for reading folks.
Nah, I just draw it the way I see it in my head.
Sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn't. If it doesn't the Ill go find a reference image and work from that.

I'm jealous of you, i've never been able to draw whats in my head and make it work properly, I've always had to have reference images. I did do one watercolor almost entirely from my head that turned out, but that is it. I plan to attempt another one this spring for my wall (my mom has the last one).
i don't have the talent. i took an art class once and did pretty well at it, but it was working very slowly and painfully at one project for six weeks. i can't pick up an instrument and just do it. my brother got all that talent, and i mean ALL.

drool, i'm quite impressed. i know i keep saying it. i'm jealously impressed. i can't believe you don't even have to find a scale or something.