Broken toilet ver2.0

Mean Mr. Mustard

Always shouts out something obscene
Sep 30, 2004
Some of you that have been here a while may remember that shortly after we moved into the house were in now, I managed to break the tank on my toilet. I put a new handle on it and I guess I tightened it too much and caused it to crack the tank and leak water everywhere.

Well this past week, I was in there, performing my usual poop-stunts, and the damn seat cracked. I dont mean a little crack on the edge, I mean all the way through the material its made of, from the outside edge, to the inside edge.
And it pinches your buttcheek now.
But seriously, what kind of shoddy craftsmanship is being shilled out the public that a simple poop-stunt will cause such a catastrophic seat failure? What if I had fallen off and gotten wedged between the bowl and the wall?
Im almost afraid to use the commode now.
So now I guess I need to go shopping for some kind of industrial-strength high-impact resistant toilet seat. Or maybe I could have one made in the machine shop downstairs out of titanium.

So, in closing, purchase only quality toilet seats, and bring a spotter for extra saftey.
the UL didn't anticipate one might be doing a handstand on the seat while taking a dump
not really their fault imo

I need a new toilet seat too!

The toilet downstairs decided it would blow its seal and send water all into the living room last week. Didn't cost shit to fix but it was a pain in the ass(hehe) with the soaked carpet. Lucky for the giant fan we got it dried up over night/next day. We gotta do the carpets this weekend anyways so I figure this just made us do it sooner.

functional and durable.