book drive

I believe my son will be a reader like I am. He sees me reading all the time and I read him several books every night at bedtime. If I read them to him more than once he pretty much memorizes it and can bluff his way through it by saying the words on the right pages to make you think he's reading it. Which is frustrating becuase it proves he's smart but just doesn't listen.
b_sinning said:
I believe my son will be a reader like I am. He sees me reading all the time and I read him several books every night at bedtime. If I read them to him more than once he pretty much memorizes it and can bluff his way through it by saying the words on the right pages to make you think he's reading it. Which is frustrating becuase it proves he's smart but just doesn't listen.
You are gonna be in so much trouble once that kids nads drop and he can drive.
spange and i are both avid readers. spangelet came out of the womb loving books, i believe. she's got tons, and she adores them. i hope that her love for reading always makes me a bit sad to learn that someone doesn't enjoy reading. they're missing out on so much!