Thisll be my boy in a year or so:

Shouldn't they be aware of what they are getting themselves into when hanging out with chicks?


Dripping bloody vaginas?

and they also teach girls that getting a load up the vagoo can result in babies! crazy, isn't it?

Well that makes sense. Much moor sense than teach boys about menstrual cycles

Is it better just to run around being an ignorant jackass?

Or is it better being a big pussy ass cry baby like yourself?

So do they still teach stork lore in Australia?

Or does a magical marsupial deliver babies to waiting parents in the still of night?

fuck me that is lame.

Yeah a magical bush kanga fucking roo jumps around throwing babies at teenage girls all over Australia. Oh wait, America has a major teen pregnancy problem, wonder what happens here then? Do they teach them in school? Oh they do? hmmmm I guess they must be fucking morons then..
An article in the most recent issue of the Medical Journal of Australia reports that Australia has the sixth highest teenage pregnancy rate and one of the highest teenage abortion rates among OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries.

The authors reviewed relevant Australian studies, which showed that teenagers are the most frequent users of emergency contraception at Family Planning clinics, and 45 per cent of sexually active high-school students do not use condoms consistently.

According to the authors, Dr Rachel Skinner and Associate Professor Martha Hickey of the University of Western Australia, legally induced abortions were the second most common reason for young women aged 12 to 24 being admitted to Australian hospitals
I'm glad Australia is aware of pregnancy prevention, no matter of the method. I wish America was half that good.