
Mean Mr. Mustard

Always shouts out something obscene
Sep 30, 2004
So Im strolling acrossed the parking lot here at work this morning, when I cross paths with one of the nerdy engineer types that hang around here, and as we pass I give him the "nod of aknowlegement" , to wich he responds "Hey babe"
It took a full 5 minutes for it to sink in that the mother fucker called me "babe".
Is that something all the cool kids are doing nowadays, or should I go beat his ass?
Bwhahaha, thats guy deserves a beating, i sincerly hope that it's not a new saying other, serious ass whooping is gonna be dealt.
Drool-Boy said:
Then Id hate to see the women he hangs out with
Im all scruffy and shit cuz I havent shaved in like 2 weeks

He was too distracted by your flowing lockes and pear shaped ass to notice your face.
ChikkenNoodul said:
I think dbzeag's called me babe before, that's acceptable though cuz he's gay

If a straight guy did that to me I'd have to publicly fellate him for being a ninny

fixed for fly.
Drool-Boy said:
I dont have bitch tits:confused:

Maybe hes just trying to be cool & hip
Ive heard Dennis Miller call other men "babe" and hes cool & hip, right?

dennis miller rocks. He's got chick hair like you.