attn tampa freaks

Sorry for the fast exit last night. I totally forgot I promised my realtor that I was going to meet her at 8:30 to sign the contract on the place. I was lucky to remember when I did. Strangely, this moment of clarity came 2 seconds after I said to SeanDavid 'Man, I'm good for getting my drink on all night'... not.

Tre is like Shali tall. I didn't suspect that. He and his wife make a beatiful family, and I'm stupid for saying 'man, your five year old is cool'.

'Five? He's still only two, for a couple more months'


Also, thanks Casey. :) Sorry I had to dash so soon.

So, Fly, Casey, Tre, all gots hotties. I hope this is a UF trend thing, and I'm just overdue.
Thanks duke, but he'll be 3 next week ;)

Godamn I'm starting to hate that giant mouse...hollywood studios today, kingdom tomorrow.

Ps, ja and shal tried to take us to the peelers...the boy liked hooters, but damn...
Ps, ja and shal tried to take us to the peelers...the boy liked hooters, but damn...

Quote of the night.

Tonya: "so, we get here, and I see all these hotels and stuff around, and I say 'exactly what kind of friends are these? I hope they aren't swingers'

hey, i'm back. here's a pic that april's pastiness didn't ruin too much
