Atlanta Meat

You could sub and make 8 dollars an hr. BIG BUCKS.

no, he couldn't. substitute teaching is glutted.

on topic:

Braves tickets in the box WAW?

OMG, my oldest will dump in his pants..

/not worthy

again, as of right now it's second week I think. we can do athens/ATL or ATL/Athens if that fits the braves schedule better, LOL.
no, he couldn't. substitute teaching is glutted.

on topic:

Braves tickets in the box WAW?

OMG, my oldest will dump in his pants..

/not worthy

again, as of right now it's second week I think. we can do athens/ATL or ATL/Athens if that fits the braves schedule better, LOL.

as soon as the dates are solid we'll get a look at the schedule and see

baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaa.. :breathe: bwaaaaahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaahhahaa.. :cough: :choke: :cigarette: aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahahahahaahahahaaaaa..

