Ask Uncle Theac

big time. especially cars, I LOVE my cars, they're the MOST IMPORTANT thing in my life.

well, besides my SHOES.. custom preferably.

yeah, like..

1. shoes
2. cars
3. wife
4. sons
5. mom

something like that.

im going to pretend i saw music in there....

3)Raindrops on roses ?
4)whiskers on kittens?

we're not talking about your favourites you big pseudo-hells angel-cum-never misses barefoot contessa on a weekday.
they will be gone soon.... so no.

where does the FG vs. Polo animosity come from? and have yall REALLY been online with each other since 03? i am intrigued.

don't think i found msg boards til about 05.

since the [h] and the [m], alot of us have known each other since 2002 or before.

i'm not allowed to talk about zrh and polo's issues...