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Who ya diggin'?

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I have to agree with him to some degree. There are atheists out there who are just as vocal about how "wrong" God is as the ultra-religious crowd.

There sure are. Got a bunch around here who decided it was bad to have the Ten Commandment's in plain sight at a public school, it had been there for 40 years, ACLU tards sued the school system and wasted taxpayers money.

Then someone sued a county board for reciting an invocation before each meeting. The head guy there said they are more than happy to open the meeting with any religious type thing someone would like to add, but no, gotta ruin it for everyone and waste taxpayers money.

Just because someone is doing something religious doesn't automatically mean they are shoving it down everyone's throats. I think that is something that people forget far too often.
And this reminds of something.

A guy I went to high school with commented on that ten commandments case, saying how he wishes he had the courage in school to do the same thing and fight for his rights.

Are you fucking kidding me?

The Ten Commandments serves no good purpose in a taxpayer funded building.
Is it harming anyone?
Yeah I would think it is, in a subtle way. Religion should be in religious places and at home, not shoved down your throat at work or anywhere else. Such buildings should imo be kept free of anything religious, I don't think we have any other faiths on here except Christian but I'm sure if I was Muslim or Jewish or anything else I'd prefer not to have Christianity indoctrinating people in public buildings.
What you should do is abstain, then bitch and moan for the next 4 years even though you had a chance to vote for someone you would bitch and moan about less than whoever gets in. Makes complete sense.

I don't vote, have you seen me bitch about anything political?
Well, I'm kind of hoping nothing would happen, and that would be the biggest improvement ever.

And perhaps a bunch of bills and papers would get eaten, and that'd be even better.

You have more chance of getting nothing to change if you vote for Democrats. They will come out with a bunch of great ideas and will then proceed to drop them as soon as a Republican says "boo!"

Republicans on the other hand are trying to turn the place into a third world country.