[Article] Article: We need your articles!

hmmm... a day in the life of? hmmmmmmmm....

i can take pics + vids...
this might actually work

Omgg, hahaha!! This would be comical. I could do a day in the life Billy Madison Kittens, (my Adderall induced version of) & you could do the stripper thing. ahahah!

This should actually be a separate thread. "A day in the life of..." with pics & shit. :lol:!
I've seen other forums do contests with "a day in the life of..." and whoever had the best story with pics won.

Cough @fly
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I'd make one, but my fragile ego won't be able to take the ridicule.

Dude, do one on a really basic, explain-it-like-I'm-five strength training routine. You probably have more experience than anyone else on the forum and might be able to offer more insight than an ask.com article.