[Article] Article: tasker, snap a picture after entering wrong unlock code

Building off the alarm thing, ive been working on streamlining my alarm process.

My alarm is at a different time every morning. I hit a button before i go to bed (or more accurately, 6 buttons right now, i would like to hit a single button), that calculates my ideal sleep time and wakes me up at the end of a 90 minute sleep cycle.

It sounds like BS, but i wake up so much more refreshed if my alarm isnt going off in the middle of a sleep cycle, it really works.

But not all average people have just 90 minute sleep cycles. The first one is usually 90 minutes but the ones after that are usually increasingly longer. I'm surprised people would try to live by this.
So i tried the app that fly linked to last night.... that is the most comprehensive alarm system ive ever seen in my life.

It can record any sleep talking you do, or snoring, and even has a trigger to break you out of a snoring cycle
It records your sleep cycles with the accelerometer
It has anywhere from 1 to 10 minute gradual increase alarms, with gentle sounds (seagulls, beaches, oceans, etc). I've found that a gradually increasing gentle sound wakes me up much better than a harsh one
It has "lullabies where it can play soft noise of your choice before you sleep and fade it out
It monitors your sleeping in the morning, and wakes you within -x% of your set alarm time when you are already in a lighter sleep state.

All that said, the sleep mapping feature to determine what phase of sleep you're in is nothing short of amazing. It produces a graph last night that looked just like the sleep pattern graphs in every classical academic test.

@MapleySyrup the 90 minutes thing should be null with that, as it actively knows what part of your sleep cycle you're in. Ill post my graph from last night up when i get home, it should show exactly how long my sleep cycles are.

@fly, thanks dude... this is awesome so far.
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its all tuneable, so you may be able to turn the sensitivities down to compensate for all the cat tail you're clearly pulling.