Am I Crazy Or....?

BigDov said:
*sigh* Those would be PERFECT names too.......... you going to get serious about this or what?? :D
holy dear god i so want to. i'm not sure i could do it alone though, but i have a feeling i'm going to be doing more research when i get home tonight :shady:
Someone talked me into watching an episode of this a few weeks back. was a chick show. Not much else I can say about it. It's like Sex in the City without the nudity. I guess it does have Terri Hatcher. That's a plus.
I seen a trailer for it, and it reminded me of Sex and The City. A program I cannot stand. so no, I haven't bothered to watch it.
of what i have seen....

eye candy <= Good show,
the funny != this show,
skimpy clothes != eye candy

and that end the math lesson for today
yeah it's probably best, i hear europe now had a porno soap opera you could have that fed into your home and save some time
Porn is like mother's milk cascading from the nipple of life. Ah, porn! Fill me with thy sweet and sticky goodness!
Anyway, 'bout them desperate beeyoches.... I dunno. My fiancee watches the show religiously, so I catch tidbits here and there. A couple of 'em are okay, but none of them exactly take my breath away. Cherlize Theron, now that's different. Despite her relative lack of breasts, she still makes me stutter like a retarded third grader.