2 BeerAd Threads: 2 Thread locked


Like herpes - just appears
Feb 5, 2007
St Pete
man, i had stuff to say too..

i got a friend who owns a multimillion dollar steel company who has all his credit maxed to the hilt. says it's what makes him get up in the morning and grind. wouldn't work for me, but it's obv working for him.

tryna pay cash for everything personally as per mr. ramsey (the envelopes don't work april???!!!! hahaha)

only debt we've got are the two cars (only two years left on mine, wife just started 6 yrs of payments which prob wasn't smart, but.. uh.. ) and the house.

and the other board i post on has an interesting poster who closes the threads if need be:

The Lock Thread Monster :lol:
well, and again, not to be a dave ramsey mark.. but i think it's sooooo true, you hand over that cash, pull it out of your pocket and hand it over, it just "feels" different.

i can walk in dillards or finish line and drop 200 quick on gear and throw down the amex, but if i had to literally hand over the cash, i think I'd think twice.

we went down to marino's wed night and spent about 80 bucks on food and drinks. had i paid cash out of my pocket, i think i would've spent less.
The only thing I use is cash and has been like that for about 3 years now. I paid off all of my old debt except for my newest one, the benzo. I am going to go look at a couple car lots today and see what my options are and how much I need to save.
Envelope system :mad:
what's that?

I've been running up my credit cards between paycheques recently. Last night, payday, I paid off the balances on both then took them out of my wallet and froze them in a block of ice. Now I have a forced waiting period on credit purchases. If I can just make it to my next paycheque without using them then I'll have cash on hand for purchases. That'll make it easier to keep saving.
what's that?

I've been running up my credit cards between paycheques recently. Last night, payday, I paid off the balances on both then took them out of my wallet and froze them in a block of ice. Now I have a forced waiting period on credit purchases. If I can just make it to my next paycheque without using them then I'll have cash on hand for purchases. That'll make it easier to keep saving.

I've heard of that, its a great idea! :lol:

I hate shopping with a passion so the cash vs. credit issue is a moot one for me...I have virtually nil debt outside of a car payment
oh, I do something similar to that with regard to bill planning. I always keep a text file (used to be in my webmail, now it's on my phone) with the next four paycheques listed, what bills are paid by each, an allotment for living expenses, and the amount that should be left over. All the leftovers have been going to credit cards however because i've been going way over the "living expenses" allotment. i basically need to go out less, and drink less and cheaper when i do.