Flytrap #2 - Possible NSFW Content and WAW fail , Whiskey Bacon and tamale hootch

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Xia Jun, CEO of a housekeeping service company in Shanghai, has become the first man in China to ‘officially’ be qualified to hand out breast massages.

After three months of what have been grueling studies at the China Employment Training Technical Instruction Center, he came out diploma in hand a certified breast-massage therapist.

His motivation? A response to market needs: new mothers having trouble producing enough milk for their infants.

Some of the other Chinese news on that page is amusing too.
Australia's version of Glenn Beck: Alan Jones

“The NBN that they’re going to roll out will be up to 100Mbps, down to 12Mbps in some areas … The Germans have done 26 terabits. that’s 26 million megabits per second. We’re going to get a hundred. Not a hundred million — a hundred megabits per second. Their 26 terabits is 2.6 million times faster than what we’re getting. And Canberra want us to believe that the technology we’re spending up to 60 billion on, won’t be updated by the time it’s rolled out. Of course, they’re kidding!”


NBN = National Broadband Network
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