FYI I'm gonna leave this here for all your cat lovers out there...

Dory Berkowitz-Bukowski

Clam whisperer
Oct 15, 2004
Robin Hood Country
Man builds cat size village for homeless cats.










isn't that the crazy fuck who was going to burn the quran with his congregation? I knew he was batshit but now he has clearly gone too far

There should be a law after 3 cats!! Even 3 is too much - but I know there are countless people that can't contain themselves.

After 3 - FROZEN EXPORTS TO ASIA!! It could be your own little profit center!!!

We have four, don't You judge!

There should be a law after 3 cats!! Even 3 is too much - but I know there are countless people that can't contain themselves.

After 3 - FROZEN EXPORTS TO ASIA!! It could be your own little profit center!!!

One of my friends came up with a way to calculate how many cats were acceptable. It was something like you can have 2 cats per person in the house but you also had to consider the number of bedrooms. 2 cats per bedroom in the house is acceptable. So if you have 2 people living in a one bedroom house you could only have 2 cats, but if they were living in a 2 bedroom house then 4 cats were allowed. Still, if they were living in a three bedroom house only 4 cats were acceptable because of the first rule. By this rule, April and I are okay, but Zengirl is way over the limit on cats. She has dogs too. And a baby. And another weird little animal, I can't remember what it is. She's the crazy one though.
good for him, at least he is doing what he loves and can spend his money the way he wants. I wish I was able to do that.