FYI Just got Feenx and Valve's wedding invitation!

Formal invitation to follow. This was the travel invitation, since all the darn airlines book flights way in advance and all that jazz. Smart and very considerate decision. I got the invite yesterday or day before. I should be able to make it, plus visit my buddy and his wife in RI at same time.

Might be easier for you to drive down. But I think it'd be something like 4 and a half hours. It's about 3 from Portland.
The wedding webcast site's that pop up on Google all look like over priced shit from 2002.

Get a laptop, get a camcorder, needs broadband interwebs, blah blah blah.

Where are the sites with iPhone apps that let you broadcast over 3G?

I should learn to program iPhone junk and start a wedding webcast bidness.
oh youz guys :elfpenis: :heart:

i'm glad our backwater post office didn't mess up the save the dates. we've been getting calls from all over the country saying that they arrived safe and sound already :)
oh- we're going to be in FL again, in two weeks.
another quick trip to naples so i can save my vacation time for the wedding, and, well, the honeymoon to the other naples
We'll do live streaming!

Zac has done it before while we are gone on vacation. Left the webcam up so we can check on the kitties. :lol:

Setting one up is pretty easy, it's getting access to quality bandwidth thats the problem. I have an ATT usb 3g dealy that works well though.

oh- we're going to be in FL again, in two weeks.
another quick trip to naples so i can save my vacation time for the wedding, and, well, the honeymoon to the other naples

lol, nipples fl