The Fly Trap (Possibly NSFW)

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I have one very stupid tech that calls me nonstop and every time he does I just say put it in a work order. Every damn time. So I no longer answer his calls. We're at the point now where he tries to call me from other phones in his office. So I forward those calls back to his desk phone and I know it's him because he hangs up the phone so he can run answer his phone and doesn't understand why it stops before he gets there. He makes my brain hurt.

:lol: well played. I could do that all day. What a moron.

It's 44 outside, and 60 in the house.
34F this morning when I woke up. A decent amount of frost as well. Tid bit nipply as well.:hi2u:
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There is an eccentric manager at RJ that loves talk like a pirate day. So I made sure to say ahoy at some point. And I got coupon for the cafeteria. YOU KNOW i love my coupons.
my friend took a pair of my shoes and there is absolutely no danger of me seeing them back now

so now i have to buy a pair of shoes tonight aswell

start posting uf boredom costs me money
Marketplace on NPR has a sense of humor. They take a break mid-show to read the underwriting announcements "this show brought to you with the support of blah blah blah" during which they play some music in the background. Today, while talking about all of the various bail-outs of the last few days the music was Dire Straits - Money for Nothing.

I have grown to really love Marketplace. It's an excellent show for an ignorant bastard like myself.

sinuses are draining today for some reason. can't stop dripping.

You should worry when they stop draining.

thats an inverted pyramid of piffle

Now you're just making things up, you limey ponce.

Wait... are irish people limey? I forget.
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