The Fly Trap (Possibly NSFW)

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Man some fucked up weather up here today. Hit 60F today. Set a record high pretty much everywhere in the state. The 4' of snow is melting like crazy. And to think a week and a half ago the thermometer was struggling to hit 1F, yes one single degree. Plus one night it was -20F outside. O.O
haven't smoked since sunday. actually found a cig this morning, and literally stood at the dresser for almost 10 seconds trying to decide whether to bring it and smoke it on the way to work. i didn't. but now i have ciggy thoughts running thru my head for post work.
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So I got my 06' Tax Refund check today for $9.19.. woooo don't spend it all in one place.

That's the downside of owning my own business. I will never have a tax refund :( from too many taxes applied to a paycheck, etc..
9 times out of 10 low bid usually means one of two things :

1: Bidder has no idea what theyre bidding on, or are generally clueless

b: Trying to sucker their way into a contract with a low price and inflate the cost on the back end with cost overages.

I'm not naive in that department. I found out the guy wants me to take over his CNC department.
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