Big Pharma spends more on advertising than research & development


Flaccid Member
Oct 16, 2006
I thought this was really interesting. It makes sense; I can hardly watch TV anymore without seeing an ad for some drug or another. So what does it mean for how America handles the pharmaceutical industry?


Drug companies spend nearly double on marketing compared with research: study

2 days ago

OTTAWA - Drug companies spend almost twice as much on marketing and promoting their products than on research and development, says a new study.

In their analysis of data from two market research companies, Marc-Andre Gagnon and Joel Lexchin of Toronto's York University found that American drug companies spent US$57.5 billion on promotional activities in 2004.

By comparison, spending on industrial pharmaceutical research and development in the United States was $31.5 billion in the same year, according to a report by the National Science Foundation, which included public funding for industrial research.

The types of marketing included in the US$57.5 billion figure, compiled using data from market research companies IMS and CAM, included free samples, direct-to-consumer drug advertising, meetings between company representatives and doctors to promote products, e-mail promotions and direct mail, said the study.

The findings, published this week in the journal Public Library of Science Medicine, confirm "the public image of a marketing-driven industry," say the study authors.

It's not a surprising conclusion, says Steve Morgan, an expert on the economics of the pharmaceutical industry at the University of British Columbia.

"It's been known for a long time that manufacturers of prescription drugs spend more money on marketing than they do on research and development," says Morgan, who heads the program in pharmaceutical policy at the university's Centre for Health Services and Policy Research.

Still, the conclusions are alarming, says one of the authors.

"It is common knowledge that drug companies spend a lot on promotion," Joel Lexchin said in an interview.

"But even I didn't realize that the figure was as high as we estimate it is."

The pharma industry has for decades promoted itself as innovative and research-driven. Critics, however, contend that drug companies have acted based on market-driven profiteering.

The gulf in spending in 2004, the latest year for which figures were available, has been reported for previous periods, says Morgan.

"This goes back to commissions of inquiry that were held in Canada and the United States in the 1950s," he said.



I often hear people say that pharma advertising should be banned like Joe Camel, because it has a negative impact on our society: doctors become pushers; people take pills because of ads instead of a well-informed professional opinion of a physician. I'm kind of on the fence about this, because I'm also a big free market believer.

As another issue to bring up to stimulate discussion, there's America paying the world's pill research tab. Once they have a drug developed, they have every right and need to try and recoup the cost of development and make a profit off their discovery. The thing is that the price of a new pill is so low that they sell it for basically whatever they think they can get in each local market. So America ends up paying a ton more. No easy solution to that one ...

On a quasi related note, one thing I learned in my environmental law class is that most companies spend more on packaging goods than they do the goods themselves.

yeah, try opening any toy with your bare hands these days. it's nearly impossible. it makes me sick to think of how wasteful and unnecessary it is. :mad:

this is exactly the reason why i do not want myself or my family to take any new drugs. there's not enough research or time invested in them. america is a sick, sick country. no pun intended.
When you have migraine headaches and one pill costs you $12 with insurance, it sucks. My daily meds would cost me $2.50/day if I didn't have insurance. That's generic too. The friggin' drug has been on the market for 40 years. wtf?

You should see street value to some of these drugs. People pay like 30-40 bucks for an Oxy 80... 15 bucks for Roxy 20's... 5 for xanax bars

funny thing is the people addicted to Oxy, cause its worse and more expensive then heroin :( After a couple of months these people look like they are homeless from a Rx drug, sad
Yeah well I get mad when we don't have a drug rep bringing lunch everyday...and the free post its and pens are awesome :cool:
Yeah well I get mad when we don't have a drug rep bringing lunch everyday...and the free post its and pens are awesome :cool:

My mom used to get the coolest pens, they looked like needles and when you flipped it the liquid would disappear... that and the viagra ones were always a hit :fly:
No shit right, 20 bucks for a oxy, 5 a xanax

Fuckin drug dealers think they own the streets!!!!

wait, nevermind

i would quit doing oxy yesterday (had i ever done them)!!!

ANOTHER dude fell out and died about two weeks ago. Kyle, the manager at Oz. met him once or twice, seemed like a nice cat.

Yeah well I get mad when we don't have a drug rep bringing lunch everyday...and the free post its and pens are awesome :cool:

lol, got a buddy who makes a lotta cheddar as a pharm rep who says really he is "a glorified caterer."

and my pops been in that biz 20 years.. got ALL KINDS O' SHYTE in the garage. i bring tons of it here to school.. pens, crayons, tissues, etc. notepads out the yang.
My mom used to get the coolest pens, they looked like needles and when you flipped it the liquid would disappear... that and the viagra ones were always a hit :fly:

You know, it's not only that but the honorariums they pay physicians for giving peer talks on their products. Not only do they buy a fancy dinner for all attendees but a single lecture can pay the speaking physician $2500-4000. We even have a couple of docs who get flown all across the world for talks, and their airfare, hotels, food, everything gets paid for on top of that honorarium. Doctors make more money speaking than they do seeing patients.
i would quit doing oxy yesterday (had i ever done them)!!!

ANOTHER dude fell out and died about two weeks ago. Kyle, the manager at Oz. met him once or twice, seemed like a nice cat.


I have tried it once awhile back and would never do it again. I rarely admit to even trying it that once cause I took a quarter of a quarter of a roxy 20 :fly:

somebody told me it was something different
i know what oxy is...what is roxy?


Roxane Laboratories - - is the drug manufacturer for Roxicodone. There is no such thing as Roxycontin or Roxycotin. Sometimes it is spelled with or without an 'N' after Roxyco .

When some people (usually street users or addicts) talk about Roxycotin or Roxycontin they actually mean Oxycontin. Yet when some people say Roxycotin or Roxycontin they mean Roxicodone. The drug that Roxane Labs makes is Roxicodone which is comprised of oxycodone hcl.

They come in 15 and 30 mg tablets.
The 15 mg tablets are green scored tablets with 54 710 embossed on one side.
The 30 mg tablets are blue scored tablets with 54 199 embossed on one side.

Here is the product sheet on the medicine from the FDA: