harry potter spoilers (FeloniousMonk gets sniped)

you named your dog diego? are you spanish/latin?

No but if you put one of these on the dog he would look spanish...

I think I'd be really annoyed if someone walked up to me while I was buying this book and told me how it ended. I'd still read it, but I really don't want my suspense and enjoyment to be destroyed by some assholes who don't have anything better to do with their time than try to ruin someone else's good time. How is it hurting anyone that I have very much anticipated this book and I'm really looking forward to reading it? I've enjoyed the story so far and it makes me happy! Quit shitting in my wheaties and go find something that makes you happy, however insignificant it might seem to someone else.

<3 I have to agree.

I'm super potter nerd, yeah, but jesus it's kind of a juvenile thing to ruin it simply because you think they're 'nerds' *pot to kettle*

That being said, I finished it saturday and just stayed the fuck away from the internet, and have no regrets :lol: