odd traits that you have.


Erect Member
Oct 15, 2004
Everyone has strange little quirks that define them, some more odd than others. Some of them would probably elicit a simple "so?" response, while others might get something more along the lines of "what the fucking shit?" Let's hope for a good dose of the latter and share our weird characteristics.

- I like being on my knees or in the 'Asian squat' position. Its a confort position and I often like it when I need to think about a problem. I do it so much people think its a nervous tick, or I must have a back problem or something.

- I absolutely cannot stand the taste of nuts, especially larger ones such as Pecans, or walnuts, but I can eat a snickers bar or anything that overpowers the taste of them fine. I equate eating nuts to eating wood. If I try to eat them on purpose it makes me nauseous.

- I can't stand to shake hands with someone with moist hands. I can do it, but for hours after that even if I wash my hands the one I shook hands with just feels dirty afterwards.

- When I was much younger I used to concentrate on one portion of a dinner at a time. For example if it was chicken, corn and potatoes, I would eat the chicken, then the potatoes and then the corn. There wasn't a particular order but I stuck with what I was eating until it was gone.

- I have a feeling that when im getting into something if its not something I can't become a authority in or can't dominate then its not worth the time to do. On the plus the things I know, I really know and I can tell you exactly what I don't. The negative is that it makes me constantly serious on things. That is a turn off when it comes to women as they think I have an adjenda or worse. This is because im very introverted, not aspergers or anything like that.

- When I chew I always chew on my left side. rarely if ever will I put something in the right side of my mouth as then it seems like it has a metallic taste. Note that I never had or have any fillings or braces in my mouth.

- I can't eat instant oatmeal if I smell it cooking while in the microwave. The smell immediately turns me off. I basically put it in the microwave leave the room and hold my breath when I get it until I can get it away from the area as the smell lingers around the microwave for a while. I actually thought I just hated instant oatmeal for years until I figured out why.

- I still feel guilt for things that happened years ago and they pop in my mind for no reason. I can just be sitting there and have a thought like "why was I such a dick to so and so in the 6th grade? I'm so embarassed!" I was in the 6th grade in 1991.

- I have a major like for Jpop, Kpop and Cantonese pop. I know little to no words in any of the languages. In some ways I can pick out who sings a Jpop song easier than I can an normal pop song, and its the only music that I've actually paid for in years.
- I prefer to wear socks more than be barefoot. Pretty much the only time I'm barefoot is when I sleep.

- I grind my teeth while I push the attack buttons when playing fighting games (Street Fighter and that sort).

- I don't like horror movie gore, at all. I don't mind blood or injuries IRL, but get grossed out by over done movie gore.

- I've always wanted to fly, but until now have never taken the steps to get there, either out of fear of changing the status quo or laziness (I'm pleased to say that I've chosen to change careers entirely and become a commercial helicopter pilot in the next 4 years, more details later).

- I sometimes worry that I "don't care" too much.

- My entire life I've never fit perfectly into the "Mormon Mold" and have multiple times clashed with people who do, one time violently.

- I cut my hair short and comb it back entirely because it's easy to manage, and get a crazy need to cut it when it gets too long, which is still short to the average person.

- I have a set of steps that I follow in my head when I do certain things. For example when I put my gun on to go out the steps I have to follow are:

1) Remove gun from its overnight location.
2) Once again check the gun to ensure that it is not loaded.
3) Rack the slide 3 times (not 4, 2, or 5, 3 exactly).
4) Slap mag in.
5) Put gun in holster.
6) Put holstered gun in waistband.
7) Get in car.
8) Remove gun and load a round in the chamber.
9) Re-holster gun.
this was very interesting! i agree oddly with some of your traits. the guilt thing, which drives me crazy. the moist hands thing. ew! the eating one thing at a time at dinner, although i don't do it so much anymore. the all or nothing feeling...if i can't tackle/get it done/be the best at it, i don't want to even try it. it's a perfectionist thing, i think.

people say i'm VERY quirky, though i honestly don't understand it.

i don't like washing dishes or touching dirty dishes. i will put everything in the dishwasher. getting my hands dirty makes me gag.

i have to choose my seat/placement when sitting down in a restaurant. there seems to be a certain feeling when i approach a table. i can't even find what it is that draws me to a certain position, but i freak out a little if i don't get where i "need" to be.

i have to have only spiral kraft mac and cheese. it's the only kind that tastes right.

i am particular with what i use to write with. my favorite instruments to use are the fine point sharpies. i have one or two in every color. it seems that using those makes my penmanship neater. i have no idea why.

i cannot STAND to have an animal around me when i'm eating. my gag reflex sets off and i immediately lose my appetite if there's a creature near me that i can see. i have no idea why.

i CANNOT go to sleep unless i'm covered up, and i CANNOT sleep if my feet aren't covered. it can be 100 degrees, and i'll lie in bed until i relax, then i have to cover myself.

i cannot STAND when someone knocks more than two or three times on a door. it freaks me out like a manic animal...i will eventually start to cry if it doesn't quit. that's probably the scariest thing in the world to me.

i cannot drink milk unless it's STRAIGHT out of the fridge, ice cold. if it's been in a glass more than 10 minutes, forget it.

if i'm eating a cheese slice (like kraft,) i can only chew 1/4 of the slice two or three times, then swallow. if i chew it more, it grosses me out.

i cannot STAND the sound of a fork scraping on a plate. i scream involuntarily if i hear it and have to leave the room. it's one of the sounds that hell is made up of.

i'm sure there's more, but i'm realizing how much of a freak i really am, and i need to stop. :eek:
As a child, I also ate my food one item at a time

I can't handle the feel of my bare feet on anything but carpet. If a house has wood floors or tile or if I'm outside I have to wear shoes. And it has to be shoes becasue I swear I can feel the dirt through the socks.

I absolutely cannot sleep unless it is pitch black and dead silent.

I can leave the house without make-up, but I cannot leave without combing my eyebrows.

I have a serious issue with riding in a car if I'm not driving. I also cannot stand to be somewhere without my car.
it can be -20 outside and i will still prefer to drink iced coffee over any other hot beverage

i can't fall asleep unless i am covered by something that provides enough pressure. a sheet in the summer isn't enough, i need a blanket/comforter. the only caveat to this is when i'm in the car, in which case i can pass out within minutes of starting a trip

i hated milk growing up because of the texture, and cheese because of the smell. as a result i am lactose intolerant. along those same lines, apple juice produces way too much phlegm in my throat and makes me gag.

i used to be massively finicky with my food. not only would i eat just one thing at a time but god help you if you put a plate down in front of me with foods touching each other.

i bite the sides of my tongue as an instant stress reliever

i HAVE to take notes in class with a blue-ink micro-width uniball pen. anything else and i can't review it later without going crazy.

when i was serious about my piano studies i would slap the back of my hand when i hit a wrong note. it ended up being difficult for me not to do that in concerts and recitals.
Man, there are some interesting and weird ones up already... Let's see.

- My jaw pops, and I enjoy weirding people out with it. Very infrequently tho, usually only when odd physical traits come up in conversation. I don't understand why it freaks some out, it's just like popping a knuckle.

- I sometimes get sweaty hands and don't like making other people endure shaking hands w/ me when they're like that. I wonder sometimes if people find it strange that I on occasion wipe my hands before shaking, like they must be dirty or something.

- I don't like touching medicine that isn't going to be used immediately. I pour pills into the cap and toss them into my mouth/hand from there. I do similar things with food but only because I notice things like cheese last longer if I don't touch them. It's only with medicine that it's kind of an obsessive thing. This seems to be pretty common actually, my GF says people have yelled at her for pouring a bottle of tylonol into her hand and putting them (-2) back.

- I am a meme sponge. I notice I will start using mannerisms or phrases of people I'm around. I'm pretty sure every person is the same, but it's strange to notice it happening.

- I am far too good at being lazy. I could easily do nothing (productive) for months or even years on end. Some people get antsy, I don't. I think the antsy thing is rarer.

- I like good food, but I think I'm driven to eat too much because I enjoy being full. I've started considering drastic action to rectify this because I don't have the willpower to stop, or exercise more.

I notice now that I like something thick on top of me in bed but a sheet will do if it's hot. I can nap about anywhere in any circumstances though.
I have an ongoing relationship with a case of Claustrophobia. It doesn't have a toothbrush at my place yet, but it spends the night every once and a while. Because of this I:

  • Can't ride in an automobile without at least one window cracked. I have to hear the air moving outside to be comfortable.
  • Can't spend too long in a 'large' group of people without getting extremely defensive. It has escalated to the point where I have put my shoulder into people walking in the opposite direction because they wouldn't give me room to move.
  • Can't sleep without air moving across my face, be it from the vent or a fan that I keep in the room at all times. It can be -40c and I will still have that thing running.
  • Can't wear ties for too long, I feel like I'm going to die. Same thing goes for button-up shirts, sweaters, etc.
  • If I can't get to the exit without going through you, we need to switch places. This has become extremely inconvenient when having people over to our condo. The only place we can smoke is a 3x5 balcony that barely fits 3 people.
  • Don't even think about restraining me physically. Unless you have a gun I will fight every step of the way.
Now, taking all of that into consideration, you would think that I would have a bigger problem than I do with things like Airplanes, Elevators, Concerts, Sports games and other traditionally 'claustrophobia unfriendly' venues. For whatever reason there seems to be a set of criteria that my subconscious uses to decide what is perfectly ok and what qualifies for a 'freak out' experience.
- I eat my sandwiches in a circle. Going around eating even bites until I reach the center. I never even noticed I did it until someone pointed it out in high school.
-people say i eat alot of food weird becuase i tend to nibble on it or do it in a certain order. like animal crackers, i always bite the head and legs off first. with starbursts, i eat them in a certain order. all the orange first, then red, then yellow, then pink. i also do weird stuff like eat the chocolate off of twix bars before eating the caramel then the breaded part last. Same with swiss cake rolls, 3 muskateers, and ice cream sandwhiches.

-i have an abnormally large penis when taken into consideration that i am a tiny white boy.

-when i'm bored and sitting in a meeting or in the breakroom at lunch or something i often close my eyes and nod my head back and forth. people see me doing this and think i'm weird as hell becuase i'll be apart of a conversation or something when this is going on.

-people say i'm somewhat autistic because i portray some of those traits. i say they're somewhat retarded.

-i lie about my penis size on the internet
I do the meme thing and get frustrated when I notice I've picked up someone elses mannerisms and speech patterns but don't know who I picked it up from.

I eat and arrange things in accordance to Roy G Biv: example - I eat M&Ms and arrange my paints and other art supplies from red to violet.

I pick things up and can write things with my toes. I can also clap my feet together.

My jaw pops (Moogle, you might want to get it checked for TMJ. I haven't yet, but someone who can do the same thing has to be treated for it.) I like to freak people out -usually after they've popped their knuckles. It also freaks guys out when I kiss them. I try to give a warning so I don't creep him out.

I have to pop my big toes to releave the pain if I've stood on my feet or walked for a long time.

I am extrodinarily flendy (flexable and bendy) and can do a backbend to the point where I can see through my knees. ... side note -it's a little more difficult for me to do this since my car accident. I have to stretch and my back has to not have any pain for a couple days inorder for me to attempt it.

I used to be able to twist my arm around. I haven't tried it in a while.

If I'm working on an art project (this apparently includes gift wrapping,) I get irritated if I'm interupted.

I've just discovered I have dna that traces back to a monkey. No spiral staircase is safe from my dangling adventures. If given the option to walk around to get to a coutch, I will meander through the staircase instead. I also dangle from it to kiss my s.o. while he's watching tv. It cracks us both up.

If I recall, I've mentioned a couple of other things in a prev. thread. Oh well.
I am extrodinarily flendy (flexable and bendy) and can do a backbend to the point where I can see through my knees. ... side note -it's a little more difficult for me to do this since my car accident. I have to stretch and my back has to not have any pain for a couple days inorder for me to attempt it.

god yes :drool:
lol, i cant eat vegtables, they make me gag. if i bite into a taco with a single shred of lettuce, i may gag. same thing with burgers, if theres a piece of onion. nope. cant do it. i have no idea why.
Weirdest one I have is not being able to make it completely through Willy Wonkas cause I hate Umpa Lumpa's.

I sleep walk almost every time I get really drunk.

I check under the covers before getting into bed from fear of a spider being there. I like spiders too, just dont wanna sleep with them, lol.