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It looks like a man in a dogsuit
Flossing is easy for white ppl. They struggle with clapping on the up beat as well. Thank god for alcohol - straightens them right out.
bruhhh I tried for YEARS to explain 2&4 vs 1&3 to my ex, like he did school band so ostensibly he was at least moderately familiar with the concept, but he just could not understand.
bruhhh I tried for YEARS to explain 2&4 vs 1&3 to my ex, like he did school band so ostensibly he was at least moderately familiar with the concept, but he just could not understand.
I've been places (white churches) where the problem was so prevalent ppl would look at me like I was fucking THEM up. "Let he who clapped the first downbeat put one hand in their pocket. Now pay the usher."
he was like "why are you saying numbers, where are these numbers coming from" and I'm like "ok so you know how most songs you can count 1, 2, 3, 4; 1, 2, 3, 4" and he was like "... no?"
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